
On a level playing field? The German synodal experiment

Bernd Hagenkord, a German Jesuit priest (1968 – 2021), was appointed as one of two spiritual guides to the Synodaler Weg, the two-year synodal process begun by the German Bishops in association with the laity in 2019. The German Synodal Way was triggered by the findings of a report that looked into sexual abuse within the Church, and seeks to address a wide range of questions on authority, structure and faith. Here he documents his beliefs on the ensuing German Synodal Path.


The Synodal Times – out today!

The second edition of The Synodal Times will be released on Thursday, September 8 across parishes nationwide and is not to be missed.


Scottish Synod stirs strong sentiments

Scotland’s Catholics may be few in number, but Ian Dunn, editor of the Scottish Catholic magazine, says the synodal reports from each diocese show that they contain multitudes.


Irish protester among group of women’s ordination activists detained in Vatican

Referring to the call in many recent synod reports for women’s equal participation at all levels in the church, Ms Duignan said: “People see that such an influential institution cannot be allowed to function with an all-male leadership that bans women from having a say in any of its policies or teachings.”


Rome announces press conference to mark start of Synod’s Continental Phase

With the Diocesan stage of the Synod recently completed, the focus now turns to the next part of the Church’s synodal process, the Continental stage. Here, bishops from nations around the world will come together and discuss what was reported by the faithful during the discussions.

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