Simon Harris, the ghost of Leo Varadkar and a party in its death throes
“It is now a familiar story. A young media darling in a rush to the top is installed as the leader of Fine Gael and the country – without the electorate having a say in the matter,” writes Dr Eoin Lenihan.
![Penelope Middelboe](https://www.synodaltimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/cropped-1516857428691-128x128.jpeg)
‘I often compare a refugee to a match’
“I often compare a refugee to a match,” Innocent says. “A match is expected to be in a matchbox. Anyone who discovers a match outside the matchbox will try to put it back in.”
Looking towards the future of religious life
The Synodal Times turned to Patrizia Morgante, former head of communication office of Uisg, to look towards the future of religious life.
![Brandon Scott](https://synodaltimes.bmcdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/cropped-brandon-128x128.jpg)
Online survey reveals a desire for change in the Church in Ireland
In spite of the knowledge acquired as a consequence of active participation, many were still unclear of certain timelines and processes of both the universal synod and the Irish synodal pathway.
Letter from Jerusalem: Ashes and tough love as Lent begins
“We never know what’s around the corner in the holy city. Some things never seem to change, whilst other things come out of the blue,” writes Benedictine Justin Robinson.
The refugee bishop of Myanmar and his bamboo ‘cathedral’
In an exclusive interview with The Synodal Times, Paolo Affatato spoke with Bishop Celso Ba Shwe of Myanmar who was driven out of his cathedral but in spite of his plight, responded in a unique way.
Letter from the Nile
Justin Robinson OSB is a monk of Glenstal Abbey in County Limerick currently residing in Jerusalem.
Cardinal Romero on North Africa, migration and living amidst Islam
Interviewed by The Synodal Times, the cardinal, a priest immersed in the North African context speaks about the dynamics of the Church in his region.
Catholic mission has to come before the institution
“But so much has to change. So much ground and so much time have been lost. And, so many people,” writes Steven P. Millies.
Francis’ Vision for a Renewed Theology
At the core of the Pope’s vision is the reality of Jesus Christ, the source of truth, humanity’s redemption and hope, writes James Hanvery SJ.
![Penelope Middelboe](https://www.synodaltimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/cropped-1516857428691-128x128.jpeg)
Death in Venice
Penelope Middelboe on a recent trip to Venice, reveals the decrepit nature of the church in Italy.
‘Synodality: A renewed call to the prophecy of hope
Interview with Sr Mary T Barron, OLA, President of UISG.