Speaking at today’s press conference to mark the release of the instrumentum laboris for the upcoming Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, the general relator of the 2021-2024 Synod on Synodality, stressed that the document is not meant to be a tentative answer to all questions about synodality but instead stimulate important questions such as: How can we grow in communion welcoming everybody without exclusion while remaining faithful to the Gospel?
“The five working sheets of the instrumentum laboris take into consideration the diversity of persons as well as the diversity of social, cultural and religious contexts we have experienced during the Synodal Process,” he said.
“The text of the instrumentum laboris has no pretence to be a theological treaty about synodality. The text does not give answers but merely puts questions.”
Click on the following link to access the document in full: https://www.synod.va/content/dam/synod/common/phases/universal-stage/il/PAGINATED_ENG_INSTRUMENTUM-LABORIS-A4.pdf